Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Room 16's Exciting Camp

At the end of camp I was tired but also sad. Because I was having a good time. K.Z

After camp I felt that it was fun.I loved it there. A.K

After camp I felt tired after doing all of the activties. A.T

Now I've been to camp I thik it was great. H.C

I was on a fast bike . I was at the hot river. C.M .

At camp it was amazing . Itwas extaordinary and fun too. by C.D

I felt like i was going to run and explore camp. I nealy forgot about my family but I didnt. It was exciting. By M.K

At camp it was extreme. When it was time to go home I didn't want to go. T.T

At camp it was awsome beause it very nice. By K.S

I was excited when I got in the car. My favourite part was going down the hill on the earthboard. P.R-P

When i got to camp I was realy realy excited.My favorite part was bmx bikes. R.W

At camp it was tiring and it was exciting to go to camp.The marshmallos were squishy. B.D

At camp I whos nervous Bat when I got there I was exated when we left I was sad. M.K

1 comment:

  1. Hi room16.

    I have just looked at your blog. It is VERY cool. You all sound like you had a wonderful time at camp. The earth boards look like they were the most fun at camp. I hope nobody hurt themselves flying down the hill!

    Your respect pyramid in your classroom looks great, it must have been fun taking all the crazy pictures.

    From Mrs Bowater.
